Flat Finishing Strip Seqo Co-extrusion EL-50H10

Flat Finishing Strip Seqo Co-extrusion EL-50H10
- Product Code: U3088
- Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
- Brand: Seqo
- Model and Size: EL-50H10
- Weight: 2.32kg
Available Options
Flat Finishing Strip Seqo Co-extrusion EL-50H10
Weight: 2.32kg
Seqo Flat Finishing Strip EL-50H10 Co-extrusion
Brand: Seqo
Model and Size: BB-110H16
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days More options available
Composite railing full with wood grain model BB-110H16..
Brand: Seqo
Model and Size: PS32T
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
Zalety płytek kompozytowych:
Odporne na działanie warunków atmosferycznych od -40 ° C do 60 ° C
Prosty, innowacyjny system wtykowy
Stabilna podstawa
Szybki montaż bez narzędzi
Możliwe różne wzory układania 11 płytek / 1 m²
Drenaż wykonany z wytrzymałego polipropylenu
Nie zatrzymuje wody
Brand: Seqo
Model and Size: Foundation Support
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
Foundation system - does not require concrete, which reduces the costs and time of installing the terrace, is environmentally friendly.
The foundation system includes:
Foundation bolt
Foundation bracket..
Brand: Seqo
Model and Size: S100
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
In addition to the brackets, we sell the so-called 20, 35 and 100 mm extensions - these are sleeves that we install one in the other until the desired height is reached...