The set includes pads in lengths less than 30 cm in various sizes, including:
72 × 11 mm
80 × 20 mm
92 × 20 mm
85 × 13 mm
140 × 25 mm
The kit can be modified. When placing an order, please specify what thicknesses or lengths of the washers should prevail, if there is no information, the conten..
SEQO PREMIUM boards are products of the highest quality. They are the result of the use of co-extrusion. Their advantage over other composites is high resistance, resistance to mechanical damage and anti-slip properties. The boards do not require impregnation. The specially selected components of th..
Foundation system - does not require concrete, which reduces the costs and time of installing the terrace, is environmentally friendly.
The foundation system includes:
Foundation bolt
Foundation bracket..
Zalety płytek kompozytowych:
Odporne na działanie warunków atmosferycznych od -40 ° C do 60 ° C
Prosty, innowacyjny system wtykowy
Stabilna podstawa
Szybki montaż bez narzędzi
Możliwe różne wzory układania 11 płytek / 1 m²
Drenaż wykonany z wytrzymałego polipropylenu
Nie zatrzymuje wody