Ceresit CT177 Mosaic Render (25kg)

Ceresit CT177 Mosaic Render (25kg)
- Product Code: U3372
- Delivery Time: 3 - 5 days
- Brand: Ceresit
- Model and Size: Ceresit CT177
- Weight: 25.00kg
Ceresit CT177 Mosaic Render (25kg)
Pack Quantity: 1
Weight: 25kg
- Manufactured in several dozen colour arrangements,
- Ready to use,
- Resistant to weather conditions,
- Resistant to abrasion,
- Easy to keep clean
- External walls,
- Internal walls
Ceresit VWS Classic system: ETA-06/0260,
European Certificate of Conformity No.1301-CPD-0247
Brand: Ceresit
Model and Size: CT327
Delivery Time: 2 - 3 Days
Slip proof,
Tear proof,
High impact resistance.
ApplicationEmbed the glass-fibre mesh vertically into the fresh reinforcing mortar, with overlaps of approx. 10 cm in joint areas, then level the surface.Embed the webbing into the upper third of the reinforcing la..
Brand: Ceresit
Model and Size: 1000x500mm - 2.5m2
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 weeks
Ceresit Graphite Polystyrene EPS board is a polystyrene board that has had graphite added which considerably increases insulation performance.UsesBalcony loggias
Sandwich walls
Framed wall surfaces
Continuous outer layers of frame walls
Cavity block and brick walls
Gaps in closed or ventil..
Guide Price: £39.95
£47.94 inc VAT
Brand: Ceresit
Model and Size: HALF PACK 70mm White
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
Ceresit White Polystyrene EPS board is a polystyrene board for use in conjunction with any render systemUsesSolid brick and block wallsCavity brick and block wallsBalconies and loggiasRoofs and between raftersRims, lintels and revealsCeilings in garages and basementsWalls with a frame structure..
Brand: Ceresit
Model and Size: CT99 0.5L
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
Ready to useNo heavy-metals
Stainless application
Can be painted over
Permits capillary action
Indoor use
Outdoor use
Suitable for use on surfaces before paint or coat application.
Use in areas where mould is likely to grow..
£21.60 inc VAT
Brand: Ceresit
Model and Size: 1.1m x 50m - 55m2
Delivery Time: In stock, 1-2 days
Slip proof,
Tear proof
ApplicationThe ready prepared mortar should be spread evenly over the surface of the boards with a tooth trowel with 10-12 mm teeth. In the case of mineral wool boards prior to distribution must also be primed with mortar. In the prepared la..
£80.40 inc VAT
Brand: Ceresit
Model and Size: CT17 - 10 litres
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
Ceresit CT17 penetrates deeply, binds dust, and reduces water absorption.Properties:
Strengthens the substrate surface
Reduces substrate absorbency
Improves adhesion to the substrate
Application of tiles on cement and cement-lime substrates
after only 15 mins
Yellow colour – allows to control ..
£52.14 inc VAT