12.5mm Knauf Safeboard (X-ray resistant plasterboard)

12.5mm Knauf Safeboard (X-ray resistant plasterboard)
Price: £89.50 (£107.40 inc VAT)
Price per m2: £59.67/m2 (£71.60 inc VAT)
- Product Code: U3010
- Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
- Brand: Knauf
- Model and Size: 12.5mm
- Weight: 25.50kg
12.5mm Knauf Safeboard (X-ray resistant plasterboard)
Length: 2400mm
Width: 625mm
Thickness: 12.5mm
Coverage: 1.5m3
Weight: 25.5kg
Knauf Safeboard is plasterboard with X-ray shielding made with a barium sulphate core. It effectively and significantly reduces the amount of lead needed within X-ray shielding partitions, in many cases removing the need for lead altogether. Knauf Safeboard brings X-ray protection together with fire and acoustic performance in one easy-to-install board. It can be scored and snapped like a standard plasterboard making it simple to install. Knauf Safeboard Joint Filler is used to fill joints to complete the radiation shield. Suitable for modern and older buildings.
- Suitable for providing radiation protection in X-ray diagnostics and low power X-ray therapy areas.
- Used for radiation protection in hospitals, dental practices, veterinary surgeries, research establishments, manufacturing and industry.
12.5mm Knauf Safeboard characteristics:
- Fully tested by the Health Protection Agency
- Lightweight, easy to cut, easy to install
- 100% lead-free
- Quick to install
- No need for additional lead fillets between joints
- Excellent acoustic performance
- Knauf Safeboard can be curved to a minimum radius of 2750mm
Manufactured to BS EN 520:2004 + A1:2009
Brand: Knauf
Model and Size: Aquapanel Q4
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
Knauf Aquapanel Q4 Finish is a high quality filling material for full-surface skim coating of joints by hand that gives highest quality Q4 standard. Level 4 final touch of plasterboard finish plaster skimming is a difficult art to master. Plaster skimming is a method of providing a smooth, seamless ..
£90.17 inc VAT
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12.5mm Knauf Aquapanel Exterior Cement Board. provides a solid, dry base that can withstand the extreme weathering effects of wind, rain, and snow. It serves as an ideal substrate for directly applied render finishes and can be used for exterior walls in ventilated systems, as well as for exterior c..
£68.62 inc VAT
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Model and Size: 2x11.1m x 1.2m - 26.64m2
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
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Model and Size: 14.5m x 1.2m - 17.4m2
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
75mm Knauf Earthwool Acoustic Roll is a flexible glass mineral wool quilt which is lightweight, flexible, resilient and non-combustible. The rolls are 1200mm wide and ready cut to produce 2 rolls in 600mm widths. Earthwool Acoustic Roll is manufactured to a minimum density of 10kg/m3. It is specific..
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Model and Size: 310ml
Delivery Time: 2 - 3 Days
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Model and Size: 100mm - 13.89m2
Delivery Time: 1 - 2 days
PropertiesCompression packed and lightweight for easy handling around site.Partially perforated, providing the flexibility to be used between joistsProduced for use with timber joists at 400mm and 600mm centresProvides thermal, acoustic and fire performance
OdourlessRot proofNon-hygroscopic, does n..
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